Water Reuse Europe Conference
Installation of a pilot
Axelera Innovation Award
Courant 812 prize
Treewater shares its expertise in EIN magazine
Treewater in BFM Lyon
The project is evolving!
Life RECYCLO docuseries - Episode 3
Life RECYCLO docuseries - Episode 2
Life RECYCLO - docuseries
Life RECYCLO - the docuseries
World water day
TreeWater featured in "L'Echo Drôme - Ardèche"
TreeWater featured in "Les Echos"
Washing clothes with recycled water: an article from POP'SCIENCES Mag
First RECYCLO technology prototype up and running!
Advanced oxidation and groundwater
An innovative chemical effluent treatment solution
Treatment of pharmaceutical effluents
Cosmetics effluent treatment
Drought and water resource shortages
Introduction of the "Electrotate technologie, nominated for the green industry innovations competition
Come and meet Treewaterat Global Industrie